Kelt Cognac VSOP

Kelt Cognac VSOP


A traditional Grande Champagne, VSOP, which is allowed to age much longer than the legal minimum of 4.5 years in its Limousin oak barrels, forms the base for this renowned cognac. It is blended with much older cognacs to receive the quality level required of a KELT cognac.

Once the blending is completed, we embark on the Tour du Monde. This is the legendary 3 month Ocean Maturation exclusive to KELT which brings out hidden qualities in the Limousin oak and rounds off the cognac in a beautiful and unique way, making the KELT cognac the smoothest on the market, while presenting a remarkably broad palate of tastes and aromas.

The company uses their extensive experience and stock of Limousin oak barrels in the most creative way to get the maximum effect from the Ocean Maturation. For their VSOP, they use younger barrels of between 4-12 years of a particular quality and history. The exact composition and details are a closely guarded secret known only to two people within their company. The blending and Tour du Monde puts their VSOP in a tasting age squarely between Napoleon and XO.